BELGOOLY 4 MILE ROAD RACE - St. Stephen's Day - LAUNCHED - 2011
The Annual Dick Copithorne 4 Mile Road Race was launched on November 25th at Belgooly Community Centre, Present at the launch were members of Belgooly A.C., Mayor of Belgooly Ger O'Riordan and Nurse Ann Murphy of the Bowel Cancer Treatment Fund at the C.U.H.
The race will start in Belgooly at 12 noon on St. Stephen's Day, Entry fee is €10.00 and 50% of the fee will be donated to the Bowel Cancer Treatment Fund at Cork University Hospital. Funds raised will be put towards the purchase of new equipment and also an information day will be held in April, April is Bowel Cancer Awareness Month.
Entries will be taken from 9.30 a.m at Belgooly G.A.A. Grounds.
All athletes, Joggers, Fun Runners and walkers welcome.
Further Details from Rose @ 086-8411193 or rose.walsh@hotmail.com
John @ 086-1713500 or Nicola @ 086-8515371
John @ 086-1713500 or Nicola @ 086-8515371